As BBS in a BOX is becoming a standard in the public domain and shareware circles more and more users have requested a decompressed version. In order to accommodate these requests we have created "The Trilogy". "The Trilogy" consists of three CD-ROM's compiled from the January issue of "BBS in a BOX". As such this will be an annual release. The costs related to such a project are high for mastering and packaging compared to one CD-ROM such as "BBS in a BOX" but the ability to run programs from the CD itself will make it easier for users to try the software provided.
Navigating the Trilogy
"The Trilogy" is a combination of files from "BBS in a BOX" and additional files available at the time of pressing. How is "The Trilogy" catagorized?
"Trilogy I" - consists of Animation, Art, Fonts, Publishing, MIDI, Music and
QuickTime‚Ñ¢ files in decompressed format.
"Trilogy II" - consists of Games, Education, Hypercard, News, Newton and
Software and hardware reviews in decompressed format.
"Trilogy III" - consists of Apple, Business, DA's, Programming, System 7 tools,
Telecommunications, and Updates in decompressed format.
Great Collection - The Trilogy contains the largest collection of software ever tested for System 7/32 bit compatability. But that was not enough! We added thousands of new files since volume IX, updated descriptions, added new sections like Newton, Internet, 100 FC settings, Publishing, AppleScript, updated Adobe fonts, General MIDI, and a separate Apple Licensed software area for those with the license to distribute like User Groups. It's HOT!
QuickTime 1.6.1 and Laserwriter 8.1.1!
All of the QuickTime Movies on the disk were converted to Apple Compact Video format when it would make them smaller and better. QuickTime 1.6.1 is provided for easy viewing of these files. Another treat in this issue is the Laserwriter 8 drivers just released by Apple Computer.
BBS File Descriptions - The Trilogy supports On Location searches. In addition, text file listings and other database tools are provided in various formats. Use the by name or by date text file in each folder to do a text search for your favorite program or to find descriptions of the programs provided. An On Location directory of all three CD-ROM's of "The Trilogy" is provided on each individual CD so that you can find the CD-ROM that your selection is located on.
AMUG QT Remote - In order to properly play movies with the "AMUG QT Remote" player you will need to be sure to install QuickTime 1.5 or higher as many of these movies use Apple's Compact Video compression. QT Remote allows you to play individual clips provided or play them all in order.
  To play a movie simply click its
name with the mouse. To play all
movies push the "Play" button.
Selecting a file and then clicking
on "Play" will play all movies from
that point.
Clicking on the "Pause" button
will pause the movie currently
playing and rename the button
Clicking on the "Resume" button
will cause the movie to continue
The AMUG Video Controller will
allow you to view the movies
provided on the CD-ROM.
All of the files are in movie format,
so use your favorite QuickTime
editor to manipulate the files as
you wish.
We have include some examples of our Music Madness sound series in the movies provided. We hope you enjoy them! You can order the Music Madness Series from AMUG or your favorite mail order house.
Additional Products Available!
AMUG has several other products available for Mac Users including BBS in a BOX, Art Madness, The Trilogy, Music Madness I and Music Madness II, registered users can obtain discounts on these products by sending in their registration information. Send name, address, phone and product purchased to AMUG at 4131 N. 24th Street A-120, Phoenix, AZ 85016 (602) 553-8966 if you want to obtain registered user information.
Special thanks!
Special thanks and credit to all the authors for making The Trilogy of “BBS IN A BOX” a success.
Support the Authors!
If you have additional features you would like to see added to “BBS in a BOX”, please feel free to write or call us. We are interested in making the world of public domain and shareware easily understandable to the Macintosh public.
AMUG spends thousands of hours creating the interface on this CD-ROM. Any charge for this CD-ROM is solely to support the creation of the interface. No fee is charged for any of the shareware and public domain files provided on this CD-ROM.
Only by supporting the shareware authors and sending in the requested shareware fees, will this type of software distribution continue. If you try a program and find it useful, please pay the shareware fee if you continue to use the program. When users are dishonest with the authors, they become soured on the shareware market and may stop updating their programs, publishing new programs, or they sell their products commercially. Thanks again for supporting Shareware and Public Domain authors!
Arizona Macintosh Users AOL: AMUG
4131 N. 24th Street #A-120 AppleLink: UG0116
Phoenix, AZ 85016 Internet:
(602) 553-8966 (voice)
(602) 553-8771 (fax)
Chapter four of this document is a registration form. Choose ORDER FORM from the Chapters menu or click on the pop up menu at the lower left of this window to go there. Then all you have to do is Print it, fill in the blanks and send it in. What could be easier than that?